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Wednesday night Bible Study:
Currently, on Wednesday evenings, we have a time of corporate worship and praise. Following worship and praise, the men and women meet separately for their own Bible study. The teens meet separately as a youth group. And the children, ages 6-12 have their own Bible study group. One Wednesday a month(usually the last Wednesday of the month) we all meet corporately as a body for Bible study.

Nursery (for children age 4 and below)
We have a nusery that is maintained with supplies and age appropriate toys. It is, however, at this time an unsupervised nursery. Mothers can use the nursery, but need to supervise their own child. There is also a place for nursing mom's. We are praying for a Nursery Overseer at this time.

Sunday School/Kids Church
Our Sunday School runs from 9:45 AM to 10:15 AM. The children's age groups and teachers are as follows:

Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd Darlene Shipman

Grades 4th, 5th, 6th Moriah Knarr

The adult's are currently meeting under the guidance of Sue Cerniglia.

Kid's Church begins immediately following our Sunday morning worship, for ages 5 to 11 under the leadership of Chastity and Tim Skyner.

The adult Sunday schoool class is studying a series called "Pentecostal Fundamentals"